Keep Wisdom
Become part of the story: join the Asian Legacy Library in safeguarding the timeless wisdom traditions of Asia for future generations.
I. Invest in the Digital Library
II. Support a Preservation Center
I. Invest in the Digital Library
As the ALL library grows and technology advances, so does the need to keep up with the critical work of our preservation partners throughout Asia. Donations to our technology program ensure that all materials preserved by ALL will be accessible to you and communities worldwide through our state of the art digital archive.
Invest in ALL Technology
III. Support a Preservation Center
You can support any one of our seven preservation partner centers directly.
The centers provide sustainable livelihoods for local community members working to preserve their cultural heritage. Eighty percent of our center’s staff are women, and some of the ALL centers have been in operation for over 30 years.
Your donation will go directly to operational costs such as salaries, medical benefits, infrastructure, and equipment expenses.
By donating to a center directly, you will receive frequent updates on the work that center is doing, updates from staff, and notes on plans for the future.